Title: VIP
Author: M. Robinson
Genre: Erotica
Publication Date: December 4, 2013
Tour Host: Dreams Come True Promotions
The beginning- A point in time or space where something starts.
32 year old Sebastian Vanwell, was a very successful yacht broker, who always loved the design and architecture of a luxurious yacht. His only addiction was being on the water. He loved it, he thrived on it, and he needed it in his life. After a very stable, loving child hood with a few bumps, Sebastian married the love of his life. The one person that he knew would always be there. Julia was his rock, and he loved her more than life itself. Sebastian kept his addiction to the water under control, wanting to keep his time with his wife and son his number one obsession, that was until he saw her. This new addiction haunted him, the one compulsion that he couldn’t control no matter how hard he tried.
Ysabelle Telle hit him hard, knocking the wind from his lungs. Coming from worlds apart, beautiful, dark complexion Ysabelle Telle didn’t have the rich, protected background that Sebastian Vanwell had. Ysabelle lived a life of hell, in poverty, growing up with a drug addict mother that never cared, and horrific living conditions. Ysabelle lived for one person and one person only; herself. She was pure perfection, her beauty along with a flawless body had men lined up, driveling over her insuring her success as a VIP.
There are too many words that describe the effects when two diverse worlds like theirs collide. They both have too much to lose to get caught in the forceful pull, which could destroy them both.
Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and drug use. Intended for mature audiences.
This book blew me away.. It was awesome, it had hot sex and drama...what more can you ask for in a book?
The book starts with a great background into Ysa and Sebastian's lives before they met each other. Ysa grew up on the wrong side of the tracks a far cry from how Sebastian grew up, she didn't know love, her father or anything nice.. She grew up fast and learned quickly that her body and sex sells. She had abuse and drugs in her face from the time she could remember. At 16 she used her body to get herself out of Tampa to Miami with $100 in her pocket. She met Devon at the first bar she went to to look for job, he quickly went from boss to roommate to best friend. After 2 boring years with the feeling of something missing she literally fell into the arms of madam. Over the next few years she found what she was missing when she became a VIP.
Sebastian grew up knowing love and having whatever he needed. Not only did his parents love him but his best friend Julia and he were inseparable. She was like his right arm, his babygirl. Soon Julia's parents adopted Olivia and that was the day Sebastian's world flip for the first time. He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help looking at Olivia and finding ways to touch her or be with her, Olivia felt it to.. Soon there were stolen kisses and stolen moments but that's all they would ever be. Knowing the repercussions of their actions would hurt Julia Sebastian had to stop. Then one horrible night his world came crashing down. Three years later he found himself in the arms of Julia, the girl who would always be there for him. She was solid, comforting and a sure thing.. For the next several years his life felt complete, not lacking love or sex in anyway. One client party for selling a yacht and his world flipped again when he saw the same haunting green eyes again, he had to known her he had to talk to her. He soon found out there would be a price for Ysa, not just her but her time too... She wasn't just a VIP , she was THE VIP.
Finding who she was was easy, staying a away was the hard part.
If you don't like cheating, abuse, drugs and rape... This is not the book for you... That said if you like drama and love triangles then please go and one click this... You won't regret it!!!
M. Robinson loves to read. She favors anything that has angst, romance, triangles, cheating, love, and of course sex! She has been reading since the Babysitters Club and R.L. Stein.
She was born in New Jersey but was raised in Tampa Fl. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in psychology, with two years left.
She is married to an amazing man who she loves to pieces. They have two German Shepherd mixes and a Tabby cat.
Her debut novel VIP will be released in December 2013. Add it to your TBR list!!
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