“My name is Maura McCafferty. I take men who love me and I destroy them. If there was a scarlet letter I could wear to keep the men at bay, it would be a W. I would wear it proudly, to let them know I am a wrecker. If you love me, I will wreck you.” Raised within the Devil’s Crusader’s, Maura has been exposed to many of life’s uglies and sheltered from any real relationships. She has all but given up on the idea of love. Until she meets Corbin Marx, a sexy beast of a Marine who refuses to back down from any challenge. He is the type of man Maura has craved, the type who might just be strong enough… This journey will be brutal, littered with violence, deceit and heartache. Maura must learn to navigate through the bumpy roads that life has paved and hope that at the end she will find her happiness. Warning: Due to Violence, language, drug use and sexual content this book is not suited for anyone under 17. If those things offend you, this might too.
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I smack his hand away again. “I said don’t fucking touch me.” My voice is louder. I’m trying to keep it steady, even though there is a slight quiver at the end.
“Maura, you're scaring me. What’s going on? Talk to me.”
I want to cry and scream at him, and tell him how he has betrayed me, but I'm not going to let him get any emotion from me. I swallow back the tears that are threatening to fall. I will not let him see me cry. I stand tall and square my shoulders.
“Don’t touch me again, or I will scream so loud every soldier with a hero complex in there will come running.”
“Maura, whatever it is I can explain. Just talk to me. Please.” Corbin is pleading but keeping his distance. He looks pained and scared. Oh, he is good. His acting abilities have worked on me so far, but I’m not going to fall for any more.
“Please, Maura.”
“I'm leaving. Whatever this was between us is over. The club will keep me safe.” I say in the most flat, neutral voice I can muster even though inside it’s tearing me in two. His betrayal is breaking me.
“Maura, no! Don’t leave me. Let me explain. I can’t lose you.”
“I’m already gone,” I turn from Corbin and start to walk in the opposite direction. He begins to follow me and I had hoped he wouldn’t.
Connect with Abby:
Twitter: @abbyemccarthy
Goodreads Author page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7872632.Abby_McCarthy
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