Hidden Heart
Windy City Book One
by Measha Stone
Publication Date: September 26, 2014
Jessica Stanley is comfortable in her orderly life as a paralegal at a high end law firm. Having dated her fair share of liars and manipulators, Jessica views men through a pair of thick, cynical lenses. Men are good for one thing in her eyes, and one thing only.
Her predictable life is thrown into a whirlwind of new experiences when she meets a dominating man at a casual dinner with friends.
Royce Bradford is a man of intent and is used to getting his way. Until he meets Jessica. She is wound tight, and he finds himself yearning to unravel her secrets and her passions.
Jessica declares their relationship casual. She’s tempted by his seductive tone and unusually powerful demeanor to give him that much. But for Royce, it’s not enough. He wants more.
Except Jessica has built a secret tomb around her heart, and it will take a lot more than sensual play times and verbal commands for him to be allowed entrance. Royce never backs down from his desires. He takes up the challenge to seek out her Hidden Heart.
So pleasantly surprised by this story, especially how much I want a Royce of my own. Jessica is just like most girls who have had their hearts stomped on and thrown back at them, guarded, afraid of love and ok being on her own. She's got an awesome group of friends that are her support system, they are all she needs right now. That is until her friend Alex brings a new guy to their weekly gathering, Royce. He works with Alex and Jessica's friend Kelly lays it on thick trying to get Royce's attention.
Royce has had his fair share of bad relationship, one he just got out of before moving back to town, and that one just doesn't want to let go. He just can't get away from the last woman he broke up with. Royce feels the draw that Jessica has for him. She draws him in and he's not sure what it is but he wants to pursue it. He wants to push boundaries and get results from all the pleasure that a relationship with Jessica can bring.
Royce is one hot book boyfriend, the only fault I can find is that it's not long enough and I wanted more.
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Jessica stood staring at the stool for a moment, worried about what was about to happen. Other than a playful swat to her backside here and there, they hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary, at least physically, on their dates. Reminding herself that she had begun this journey of exploration and she would see it through, she began to remove her clothing.
When Royce returned, she stood behind the stool, her arms crossed over her chest. In an attempt to keep her modesty, she clenched her legs together.
He shook his head as he brought a small cloth bag to the coffee table. “Let me see you.” He stood over her.
Although she was at least a head shorter than him, until he stood over her naked body, she didn’t feel petite.
She looked away, toward the hallway he had just emerged from and dropped her arms to her sides and stood with her legs straight.
“Sit on the stool.” He was giving short commands, but his voice held a softness that comforted her.
Jessica slid onto the stool, keeping her hands folded in her lap and her feet on the lower bar of the stool. She watched him open the cloth bag and pour colored clothespins onto the table. She chewed the inside of her lip while watching him sort them into colored groups—green, blue, red, and white.
“Doing laundry?” she attempted a joke.
He grinned up at her from over his shoulder and continued with his work. Finally finished, he stood up and pulled a thick, black strip of fabric from the back pocket of his jeans.
“No laundry, but remind me later to tell you about what a friend did with his submissive and some clothespins when she kept forgetting to do the laundry.”

He played with the fabric in his hand, and she shifted in her seat. “We are going to play a memory game. I’m going to place these clothespins on your breasts. When I do so, I will tell you what color I’m placing. Your job is to remember what color is where. Then I’ll ask you to tell me what color a particular pin is. If you remember right, pleasure will be yours. If you get it wrong, the pin will be removed unpleasantly.”
Her face paled as he explained the game. “It will hurt,” she stated the obvious.
“Yes, but only a little. My intention isn’t to injure you. It’s to play.” He ran the back of his hand down the length of her nose.
She found the action oddly comforting.
“You’ll see. The good and bad mix together, until you aren’t really sure where one stops and the other begins and then it all just feels good.” His smile was reassuring.
“Okay.” She nodded and closed her eyes. He tied the fabric tightly behind her head. Her breathing became deep and controlled.
“This one is blue.” He placed a soft kiss to the inside of her right breast and pinched the skin before placing the clothespin….
Meet The Author
Measha Stone lives in the western suburbs of Chicago with her husband and their children. By day she works as a healthcare administrator, and by evening she steams up the computer screen with her erotic romances. No stranger to the BDSM community, Measha feels right at home within the erotic genre. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Her vanilla writing has been published in the online magazine efiction and the DuPage Writers Group annual journal Possibilities.
To find out more about Measha Stone visit her blog at www.meashaswritings.blogspot.com or follow her @Measha_stone
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FB Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/authormeashastone
Twitter: @measha_stone
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