06 October 2014

Beat by Amity Cross

Title: Beat
Series: The Beat and the Pulse #1
Author: Amity Cross
 Release Date: October 6, 2014


Renee "Ren" Miller was five when her Dad left to go to the shops and never came back.

Left to grow up with a cancer riddled mother, things have never been easy for a teenager who had to be wise beyond her years. Then one day they lose the battle and she’s all alone.

Now twenty-two, Ren reluctantly goes to find her estranged father. He owns the down and out boxing studio, Beat, and Ren finds herself drawn to the ring. She thrives on learning a new way of fighting a life that kept kicking her down…instead of struggling against the current, she kicks it right between the legs.

Then one day, Ash Fuller, her Dad's star fighter comes back to town. Mysterious, handsome… Dangerous… Everything Ren doesn't need.

But he's got other ideas…

…and so does she.

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What the hell did I just read!! I'm so strung up on Ren and Ash that I don't know which way is up! Totally sucked me in spit me out and left me wanting more since its a cliffhanger!! 
Amity Cross wrote a beautiful fighter book about the beasts that live within, one that can be reeled in and one that once it's released it destroys all that's in its path. If you are a lover of all things fighters like I am you won't be let down when you meet the golden boy, Maverick, Ash Fuller. Green eyed fighter who is fighting his way back from the bottom after 4 years away. And Ren the raven haired goddess of the ring, that has taken the crap life has dealt her and turned it into a drive and need to survive. 
When two beasts meet can they survive or will the relationship implode like the time bombs they both can be?


My fist slammed into the heavy leather bag, the impact jolting up my arm and absorbing into my torso. 
The only light was from the back row of fluorescents I’d switched on over the ring. It was dark, murky and helped me pretend I was someplace else. The drama from the daylight hours was gone and it was just me and the darkness. Exactly the way I liked it. 
I began another set of punches, hair sticking to the sweat beading across the back of my neck. Structure. This was the only thing that was predictable in my life and I needed predictable. 
Stance. Guard. Punch. Guard. Repeat. 
There was a loud cough behind me and I spun on my heel, heart thumping in my chest, and my gaze collided with Ash’s. 
“Fuck,” I exclaimed, holding a hand over my heart. “Don’t fucking do that, Ash.” Typical. The creeper was being all creeper again. 
“What are you doing?” He stared at me, his gaze hovering a little too long on my bare midriff. 
I steadied the bag with one hand, taking deep breaths. “What does it look like?” 
“I’ve never seen…” He trailed off and I wondered if I’d finally made the Golden Boy lost for words.  
I turned my back so I didn’t have to look at him. “What? A woman in a sports bra? Highly doubt it.” I rolled my eyes and wiped my forehead with the back of my arm. Even though I couldn’t see, I felt his gaze burning into my skin and I suppressed the urge to squeeze my thighs together. Infuriating, self-absorbed, arrogant…

Coming Soon

Author Bio

Amity Cross isn’t my real name. That’s no secret.

I didn’t want my Mum and my workplace to find out I wrote about doodles and tongue-in-cheek sexual innuendo.

I live in a leafy suburb of Melbourne writing about screwed up relationships and kick ass female leads that don’t take s**t lying down.

Insert more pretentious c**p here.

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